Most spiritual women have received either a 1-1 call or a remote energy healing session.

Guided on a shamanic journey, or told to visualize, maybe connected to their angels, elemental beings, their Higher Selves, source, etc. It was probably a beautiful experience, and it probably went deep. I have received such incredible and deep sessions with talented healers and they have all helped me so much in different ways.

And I really do believe there’s a time and place for every type of healing.

Sometimes, we need that 1-1 call where we are present and seeing the change happen before our eyes. It’s important. Not to mention, someone to hold space for us, that alone can move mountains.

But what if we’re so invested, so attached to an outcome that it makes it difficult to relax into a meditation?

Or we just don’t have the words to communicate what it is we want to address. An unexplainable sensation.

Perhaps, you just don’t know where to start with a problem you’re having. You can think of a dozen causes, and no clear direction on which to tackle first. Perhaps blind spots are preventing you from seeing the big picture…

Pun intended.

That is why a commissioned artwork, whether digital or physical, might be an option for you.

When I create custom artwork, I am guided to the main causes and underlying issues at hand. But what’s really neat is that I get to see it because I am sketching out the process of clearing it out. I’m still using all the magical tools I would use during a 1-1 session with you, but in the background, so there are no distractions.

You become centre stage.

And since sketching, for me, takes a heck of a lot less time than chanting a dozen scripts, or visualizing all your chakras doing a dance, you get a lot more healing for your bucks.

In fact, I can pack in at least 3 times more healing in an image than in the equivalent 1-1 call format.

It’s also at a fraction of the rate.

Anddddd you receive a printable (or physical) piece of art from an actual artist.

A piece of art that can keep working for years and years. Every time you gaze at it.

Those light codes ain’t going anywhere.

And neither are my commissioned artworks 🤪

I offer them for health, relationships and financial issues, so go ahead and take a peek: (P.s. You can email me to customize it even more if your subject isn’t quite there ;))