Pleased to meet you…

My name is Dora Rodrigues. Self-awareness is one of my biggest superpowers.

There are two things that I have known my entire life:

  1. I am creative
  2. I am “different”

It was only much later in life that I actually put the two together.

Everything started when my heart chakra was blown open at the tender age of 12, one October morning. That was the day I felt energy within me. I had been curious about dreams, and astrology long before, but it took me having a larger than life crush to really crack me open. I started to lucid dream, which became clairvoyant visions, predictions, and in turn clairaudience, that I tried to ignore for years. I was afraid of my gifts for a long time. I didn’t trust myself. I suffered from anxiety. But my curiosity was so much stronger. So in my early 30’s, I dived headfirst into my spiritual awakening. I studied with several mentors. And it all finally made sense.

I am a shaman, priestess, and incarnated Queen of Lemuria. My tools are my own several modalities: Soul Pattern™, Shamanic Painting™, and Lemurian Lightwave™, among many more.

My mission on this planet is to empower women and help them step into their Goddess Mastery, all while awakening them to the magic within.

Disclaimer: I am not a medical doctor, and neither diagnose nor treat illness/injuries.

Let’s schedule a chat so we can get to know each other!