My name is Dora and I call myself
the Shaman Paintress.


What’s a Shaman? Shamans are bridges between the physical world we live in, and the energetic world that co-exists around us. We bring back “medicine”, stories, answers, all for the the highest good of those we work with.

I am also professionally trained artist! My gifts and talents have developed over the years and continue to develop with each download I receive. I paint with acrylics and I also create digital art. 

My paintings are not just paintings!  They are truly shamanic journeys, which bring back stories and healing. I create art that you can meditate on, journal from, ponder what you see and I also create higher self-portraits.

My art is my soul purpose and each piece is created from channeled messages and visions from the divine energy field.  I use my healing gifts, to infuse my art with shamanic activations, that can help individuals to break through their self-limiting beliefs and blocks, that are holding them back from success in their lives and businesses. My creations are channel-created, to help women find their authentic soul self, deep peace and happiness and to tap into their inner power!

If you’re a brave explorer of your own inner world, searching for answers, through imagination and childlike innocence, then you’ve have found art that is made for you. Inviting these paintings into your home, allows you to open to the wonder of the divine messages I channel and you will find yourself on a path to your soul purpose and move into being who you came to this earth, to be.

Disclaimer: I am not a medical doctor, and neither diagnose nor treat illness/injuries.