Shamanism in art can be unique to all who identify as Shamans and combine it with their artwork. I will be explaining my perspective here.

Shaman Art Definition

At the core, the definition of shamanism is the act of a qualified shaman communicating with the spirit world through a meditative or trance-like state. Therefore shamanic art is defined as the creation of art through this state of consciousness. 

Shamanic Paintings

For myself, I consider my art to be shamanic paintings because I go on shamanic journeys with them. That is, when I channel art I am not spiritually in my body, but I am floating in the quantum field and communicating with 100% pure light beings. I am hyper-focused on my experience and thus not focused on the 3D space my body is in.

As an example, I could be swimming in a sea of mermaids and suddenly find myself having strong clairvoyant visions of the experience as I am painting it. It can be an extremely emotional experience and I may feel a deep peace, relaxation, or even a strong emotional release of fear, anger, or sorrow. There is no wrong or right, as it is all coming up for the highest good and in the purest of energy.

Shop my Shamanic Artwork

To see some of my shamanic artworks, don’t forget to stop by the shop to see all of my lovely journeys 😉

Shamanic Painting Certification

If you would like to be certified in my healing art modality, check out my Shamanic Painting Certification