So you are awakened and use your spiritual gifts.

But now you have no idea which voice in your head is your intuition. Maybe you’ve got an Overly Optimistic voice, a Negative Nancy, a Sherlock Holmes, a Chronic Overthinker…Noooo! What now?

Your first instinct is probably to reach out to a fellow psychic or intuitive.

It’s human to rely on others. Just sometimes Sophia (Or Universe/Goddess/God/etc.) really, really wants to show you just how clever and connected you really are, so they will throw you a little curveball…and gasp, the psychic/intuitive with 20+ years of experience gives you the wrong answer. And you’ll know it. Trust me, you do.

Here are the signs your intuition is speaking:

  • You’ll get a icky feeling in your body. It will just feel wrong.
  • It’s quiet and subtle. Never shouts.
  • It lingers and doesn’t dissipate. 
  • Weightless. 
  • It has no voice. Yep, you read that right. Your intuition uses energy to express itself. And that energy manifests in your body. Dun dun dun! Cue to the stomach and gut. 

You might doubt your intuition for half a second. Don’t doubt it too long, though. Because you are 100% right. You should always, always, ALWAYS follow your own body/feelings above what any living person may say, no matter how skilled they may be. 

Sophia ingrained your Sacred Truth along with you when you incarnated. Trust that. Believe that. Above anything else. You hold the key. Always.

Psst, I recorded a 90-minute masterclass that goes in-depth into psychic development, discernment, and much more, find out more about that over here.