Beautiful words from some PintaDreamers:

“I will admit, when I started seeing Dora’s painting of the day pop up in groups I was skeptical. I wondered how can a painting change my life, help me progress. But then I started really looking and seeing what I could see. Each painting I believe captured a piece of my story. A little bit of healing I needed at the time.

One painting in particular I found was really a representation of my inner child being free and strong amongst the chaos surrounding her. She defied all of the elements, all of the standards. She had found her power and it was beautiful. That painting has been in my head and I use it as a reminder of the path I am on. Of where I am meant to be. A reminder to continue this healing process.

Dora doesn’t just paint, she truly paints your soul. She paints your heart and such a beautiful thing to have as a gift and be willing and open to share it with the world. I can’t wait to see where spirit leads me through her future paintings” — Renae

“I have two of Dora’s beautiful paintings in my home. They have a powerful energy in them and they make me feel peaceful and calm when I am looking at them.

My children are mesmerized by them as well and I really think it is because they can feel the healing energy Dora infuses in the paintings.

I highly recommend purchasing from Dora as she is such a wonderful person and an incredibly talented artist and healer.” — Dana Kalin,

“I got a beautiful painting from Dora. It fills me with joy everytime I look at it and inspires me to look at the world with wonder and to be more creative in all aspects of my life. You can feel this beautiful energy coming off the painting. She truly is a soul painteress. Thank you for the talent you share with the world and for allowing source creation energy to move through you into your art.” — Lisa Petr Zen Valley Energy Products

“Dora and I met through a mutual mentor and hit it off straight away. We kept in touch for a while, and approaching the end of the year my self-confidence, worth and esteem were pretty much rock bottom. I felt like I’d given everything to my business and home / work life this year, and felt defeated.

Somehow, so many locked and blocked doors inside of me opened up, new-found self-esteem and self-reflection was there to an extent I’d never experienced before. She had tapped into my soul’s message, conveyed it in a painting I now treasure dearly and gives me so much inspiration and hope!” — Suzanne Smith,, UK

“The painting I received from Dora was so unexpected. It came to me during a time when I needed something special in my life. Dora tapped into what my inner soul looks like. Every time I look at the painting I see and feel something different. Thank you Dora for creating something beautiful for me, a true piece of art.” — Danielle, Canada

“My painting from Dora brings me so much joy. There’s purity and innocence when I look at. I brings back to a place of youth when everything was ok and reminds me that there’s nothing I can’t accomplish. When nothing seemed forced. I only knew to do what I loved. It reminds me how I’m surrounded by love and support, and makes me smile every time I look at it. It reminds me of the softness within me.”


Thank you! It has been a strange few weeks. I have actually been feeling kind of sh*tty (almost like I was going crazy). I kept having all these negative parts (perceivably 🙂 of my personality being shown to me in a very big way. The best way I can describe it is I am going through some sort of major ego cleanse. It’s like all these unknown parts of me were being washed up to the surface so they could be honored integrated and washed away or at least now because they have been shown to me I can now tend to and heal these parts or take required action.

Thank you for the painting and for your process! One of my biggest intentions this year was to begin to cleanse away my ego and I believe spirit brought us together for a reason — to help make that happen! The powerful work you did catalyzed my healing! Thank you! Thank you! Blessings,” — C.R., Transformational Coach and Healer, Chicago, IL.

“It has a very special meaning to me… and represents me very well in so many ways and carries messages that only I can understand… Thank you so much for this gorgeous Art Work… I love it.”