An exchange in spirituality is about energy. Point blank. What is given to you, you retribute or you pay it forward. For instance: If you receive energy healing, you offer money, or you offer an  energy healing session in return, or even offer a meal, a coffee, etc. Whatever it is has to be the same or similar effort.

Easy ways to return energy exchanges without money:

In the spiritual entrepreneur world, there are 3 types of people:

  • Those who are driven and ambitious
  • Those on the sidelines working on their confidence
  • Those who take the freebies and leave it at that

There’s nothing wrong with taking all the freebies. We all get in a pickle, we’ve all been there. 

I know when I’ve been in financial crunches, I try to do what I can to return the generous energy. 

The issue is when the freebies are taken and nothing is given back, ever.

I’ve compiled a list of ways to return the energy given to you when you are not paying for a service:

  1. Offer your own card pull or energy healing: This is a given, and it is always appreciated. Giving back to the community and sharing your light is a win-win. 😉
  2. Ok so you’re not quite ready to step into number 1…what then? Share your favourite quote. What quote gets you inspired? 
  3. Start a conversation. Sharing your personal story IS value. It allows others to be inspired by you. It spreads light in a very subtle yet beautiful way. Don’t under estimate this.
  4. Share a funny meme image. Who doesn’t want a good giggle? Laughter is medicine after all. 
  5. Hold space. Allow others to come to you with their issues. It’s super rewarding and extremely helpful. 
  6. Offer a testimonial. With the freebies you’ve received, I’m quite sure if you’ve taken action, results are had. Share a glowing testimonial about your favourite healer or mentor 😉
  7. Share the person’s page or group. This is so under rated! It’s easy to click like/love on a post or leave comments, but social media algorithms will only take you so far, sharing is caring. 😉