Since I was 13, I have felt victimized and anxious every time my deceased nanna popped up in a dream or vision. Because automatically it meant that something bad would happen.

To the point where I have brushed her off, asked to shield my energy just a little more, and prayed nothing bad would happen.

Until the day I realized that her message wasn’t what I thought it was.

She wasn’t trying to warn me about anything.

She has been trying to remind me that worrying isn’t worth it. Festering over life isn’t worth our health. That worry and fear are useless.

The best thing we can do is live our life and forgive ourselves for any mistakes (learning opportunities) we seem to make along the way.

It took me a long time to understand what she meant.

In her lifetime, she spent so much time worrying and stressing. And she grieved her only son so she didn’t have an easy life.

All she wanted was for me not to repeat what she did.

It felt like I should share this lesson with you all too.

Happy All Saints’ Day. From my saints to yours.