This story is about my emotional journey around the topic and how I’ve coped with others around me experiencing it and in some cases the actual disease itself.

Ever since I could remember I’ve always been afraid of having it. Unfortunately, mainstream media going back to the 1990’s and probably before that, have been doing a great job at brainwashing women into being hardwired and afraid of it as well. All while promoting the things that cause it. And even admitting that those said things cause it.

But I won’t go into that today, my point is emotions right now.

I was 13 when a close family member had a breast scare and went into a depression. My head went wow, this must have been such a serious problem, is this how we react when we are afraid of a disease? I took on the fear, but luckily I also learned to be stronger. I didn’t want to end up in the same place.

When I was 18, one of my aunts had breast cancer. Luckily she survived.
When I was 24, a much closer aunt also had breast cancer and it resulted in another relative of mine having a second depression. Bringing up emotions in me around wanting so badly to move on and escape this disease. Why did this keep happening around me?

When I was 28, my grandmother was diagnosed with breast cancer. Since she was already past the age where it could be harmful, they decided to respect her decision to not receive treatment. She is still alive today at 91. I strongly believe her decision dictated her longevity and she is an inspiration to me.

Everything Changed

When I was 33, a year after I started working on my business, I went through 4 months of complete uncertainty. 

I went to get a breast ultrasound done, and the radiologist told me I needed surgery on the spot for a small tumor in my left breast. That it could cause “problems”. My mind spiraled. It was the longest trip home of my life.

The guilt I felt for informing my family of the results broke me even more. I knew I could handle things, but they couldn’t, they weren’t “awake” like I am. 

There was a back and forth for months, grabbing discs, passing them onto other hospitals, going to my breast doctor. Waiting. Waiting in waiting rooms. I felt tortured in the waiting room. Being ignored by staff that I thought I could share my sorrows with, cry with. But they dashed around and ignored me. My doctor told me energy healing couldn’t solve my problem. They tried to take my power away. (Plot twist: they gave it to me instead)

After being gaslit around my breast conditions (yep I also had fibroids), twice, a second ultrasound, and one final biopsy, I was in the waiting room once more waiting for my biopsy result.

It was benign. My doctor said 4 other women in that waiting room had cancer.

At that moment, the rage began to torture me from the inside out. I told my doctor flat out I wasn’t happy with the process and how everything went down and they said nothing could have been done.

What they didn’t know is in those 4 months, I received training in a new energy healing modality, got my DNA activated several times, went on many shamanic journeys, spoke to several other energy healers and did TFT tapping several times a day to get my nervous system under control. I grew my business to full-time in that time frame, and my power grew exponentially.

The calm before the storm

For many years I felt free and blissful. I had the tools. I did all the things. What could go wrong?

During the end of the pandemic, I made the hard decision to move to Portugal. With little support, in an isolated community in the middle of the ocean. 

I started to experience a breast issue. I spent many days crying, screaming, and lost. I struggled with my business. 

I tried to do all the right things to “heal” it.

But it persisted.

In the end, happiness and joy healed me. I went back to Montreal. And all the work I had done brought my body back to balance. 

A few months later, a relative of mine would go through a very similar experience to the one I went through a few years back. I was able to feel it and ran my Soul Pattern immunity the day before their very first mammogram.

I will never know whether I was able to prevent worst results, but it ended up being a precancerous condition.

I held space, I explained how to best cope, and I shared my tools. And continue to do so as I am able to.

I strongly believe that breast cancer is a result of emotional and physical neglect. A blend of trapped emotions, the diet, and the overall mindset and beliefs ingrained. Along with soul contracts, ancestry and dna. It’s a delicate blend and can be easily triggered. 

That is why it is my passion to help women with this topic and any other female health issue. I will not stop teaching and doing this work until it is gone from the face of the planet.

There are many recordings, programs, and paintings of mine that are helpful with this (such as the image in this blog post!). But hands down the best package I have is my female breast package. It includes:

  1. A breast and hormone group call recording 
  2. A collection of digital healing images for breast, womb, and hormones 
  3. A womb trauma group call recording 
  4. A meditation to release fear
  5. A Goddess Isis Health Temple Journey recording
  6. A meditation to remove oaths vows and contracts to suffer 

This collection is worth hundreds and thousands of dollars, but I have it up for only $55 at the moment. Grab your copy now.